South Dakota State University

2025 Master Plan for Athletic Facilities

“Master Plan to Transform Athletics at SDSU”

The 2025 Master Plan for Athletic Facilities was developed to complement a university-wide capital campaign to raise more than $250 million for academic, residential, and performing arts facilities. The master plan established renovation and new construction priorities, budget, and phasing strategies for multiple athletic facilities. The master plan also served as a fundraising tool. Crawford Architects moved forward with the design and construction administration as a design architect for the Sanford-Jackrabbit Athletics Complex and the Dana J. Dykhouse Stadium.


South Dakota State University


Brookings, SD


Master Planning & Concept Design, Stadiums & Arenas, Training Facilities, Health & Wellness, Higher Education, Mixed-Use

What I like about this master plan is it gives us the ability to develop any sport facility.

Justin Sell, South Dakota State University Athletics Director